Thursday, February 5, 2009

How to reach your goals unbelievably fast

How to reach your goals unbelievably fast? Well before we begin let me state that I am pretty much on the same stage as you are, I am currently overweight 212lbs on a 5'10 frame, broke...have 23 dollars to my name, have a bottom of the chain job, last time I went to church my sister was getting married, and she already divorced, so do the math, and the only really good thing that I have going on is that I am happily married with 3 kids.
So as you reach your goals following my steps I will be reaching my as well. we all know how to better ourselves, loose weight, make additional income and have a better social life, but what's really missing for and me is commitment and time management. I choose to start this personal development together with you to:

1. show it can be done
2. it can be done even in these tough times
3. for my own self-fulfillment

And folks this is realler than real deal hollyfied, if you want advise of self-proclaimed gurus there are plenty of web sites out there, you could follow their steps any time of the day and it won't work. why may you ask? because they started either at a better place than you are now or it's been so long that they achieve their goals that they cannot relate to us on a personal level. what I am about to teach you, is that no matter in what stage of your life your are currently on, you can reach your goals and leave a self fulfilling life in a reasonably short amount of time.

Reaching Your Goals

First we need to access your current situation, what are the first goals that you want to work on, what are you current priorities, what is important for you to get done first.

Goals are interconnected, that means if you start losing weight, you will start to think better, and you will be more productive at work. This way you are making good progress in 3 different key areas of you life: Weight management, Professional, and Analytical. That's why we are going to make a list of all the current goals that we have no matter how small or big, I am pretty sure that in a list of 30 goals if you change 3 or 4 things of your daily lives you will be making progress in at least 20 different goals.

Believe me why I say that not only is possible but if you take me on this challenge 3 months for now you will have made a nice dent on your New Year's resolution.

Identifying your goals, determining low-payoff activities, you should really start thinking in devoting more time to activities that will help you with the results on your end resolutions, and start cutting back on the slackness...(I know I suffer from the same problem)

Well in short the pie show all of my current goals...I know there is something missing, but you can see that I am down on the dumpster, and as I am working torwards and achieving success in activities directly related to my list, you can follow my path.

believe, It only takes some self-discipline, will power and persistence, once you start seeing results, you won't stop going.

That's it for today, I will be back soon to start a new challenge for all of us.

See you later,


1 comment:

xphoenix said...

Wish you good luck on your journey.