Tuesday, February 17, 2009

How to keep motivated when achieving your goals

It happens to the best of us. We had this big list of goals for year and is already February and you haven’t made any progress. Well when striving to achieve your goals you need to keep a little room for deception. What you must not do is to never ever give up, adjustments can always be made.
If you haven’t started on that new diet, do not worry, you still have time to achieve that goal. Just make sure to start working on those high priority/payoff activities, like sign up to diet program, or go to the gym at least 3 times a week, start posting what you eat on your journal or even drinking more water. These are all High payoff activities on your weight loss goal.
Small steps will help you achieve your goals. Think that is too late and you already started the year the wrong way and you might as well give up, will not help you. Self fulfillment comes in many forms and just in you admitting that you did not started the year on the right path and taking responsibility for sabotaging your own goals will take you to new heights.
One good exercise to do at this point is to access why you failed to take action towards achieving your goals. Why you didn’t take those college classes, why you didn’t joined the gym.
What was so important in your life that you putted your goals on the back sit? Well the answer to that, most of the times is: nothing was more important to acting on my goals, I just did not started or gave up after couple of weeks.
Well, now is time to sit down and write a length essay to yourself about what went wrong and what can you do to make it right. If your dreams are still important to you and you still have the same enthusiasm as of the beginning of the year , you just need to jump back on the wagon. If not is time to work on plan B.

PROCRASTINATION - the root of all evil
on the next post, I will dedicated a length assessment about procrastination and why procrastination is the number one enemy of achieving your goals. I will also help you assess why you did not achieve your goals and what you should do for your plan B.

don't forget to read 10 ways to achieve your goals



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