Saturday, February 21, 2009

Achieving your goals: Weight Loss

If you are anything like me you have a list of 20 goals that you would like to achieve. and It is quite possible that weight loss is one of them.
As a nation we are severely obese and on the brink of a fat epidemic. and why should weight loss be your goal number 1? Because, using my own experience as example when you feel good about yourself, you will have much more energy to take other tasks. When your body is health your mind will be health and achieving your goals will become easier.
Also , your body is something that you have total control. You do not need someone else to achieve optimum health. Most of your other goals will need the involvement of someone else. Losing weight can be done totally by you, and coming to think of if you cannot lose weight by yourself, how are you going to accomplish the other goals? if you can not act towards something that only your actions are required, how are you going to act towards something that besides your reactions you need someone else reacting.
Let’s put it this way, for you to get a raise you need to be an excellent employee, you will need to your job and exceed on your functions. and you also need your boss to notice and react on giving you a raise. now let’s say that you do not do your job the way you are suppose do to and would still expect a raise?
That’s exactly what I am trying to say, if you do not act on goal that only requires you to succeed, you will not react in other areas of your life, because you will feel that you are a failure.
Is losing weight easy? no. I haven’t achieve my goal of optimal health and weight as well. But, the good thing is we know how to do it and we just need to start, your weight will be the first goal that you should conquer. Once you start losing weight, you will have the energy to start tackling your other goals. Losing weight takes persistence, hard work and will power and you already know that. It won’t be easy but also know that. Just start and don’t worry about how fat you are and how long is going to take, baby steps, one pound at time. You just need to act, take the first step towards achieving your goal.
I am also starting a blog dedicate only for my weight loss and I want you to participate with me on this journey. I have tried numerous diets and have lost weight and put it back on. But if there’s one thing that I have extra is persistence in achieving my goals, I do not give up easily nor should you, because like the song goes…we know that lord haven’t brought us this far, so he could drop ourselves here!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

How to keep motivated when achieving your goals

It happens to the best of us. We had this big list of goals for year and is already February and you haven’t made any progress. Well when striving to achieve your goals you need to keep a little room for deception. What you must not do is to never ever give up, adjustments can always be made.
If you haven’t started on that new diet, do not worry, you still have time to achieve that goal. Just make sure to start working on those high priority/payoff activities, like sign up to diet program, or go to the gym at least 3 times a week, start posting what you eat on your journal or even drinking more water. These are all High payoff activities on your weight loss goal.
Small steps will help you achieve your goals. Think that is too late and you already started the year the wrong way and you might as well give up, will not help you. Self fulfillment comes in many forms and just in you admitting that you did not started the year on the right path and taking responsibility for sabotaging your own goals will take you to new heights.
One good exercise to do at this point is to access why you failed to take action towards achieving your goals. Why you didn’t take those college classes, why you didn’t joined the gym.
What was so important in your life that you putted your goals on the back sit? Well the answer to that, most of the times is: nothing was more important to acting on my goals, I just did not started or gave up after couple of weeks.
Well, now is time to sit down and write a length essay to yourself about what went wrong and what can you do to make it right. If your dreams are still important to you and you still have the same enthusiasm as of the beginning of the year , you just need to jump back on the wagon. If not is time to work on plan B.

PROCRASTINATION - the root of all evil
on the next post, I will dedicated a length assessment about procrastination and why procrastination is the number one enemy of achieving your goals. I will also help you assess why you did not achieve your goals and what you should do for your plan B.

don't forget to read 10 ways to achieve your goals



Wednesday, February 11, 2009

10 Busting moves to Achieve your goals

10. Visualize your goals! Make them visual, put them up on your home office, on your bedroom or even on the bathroom…don’t be ashamed by your significant other, this is just telling them that this time around you set out to achieve your goals, I have pictures of myself on the wall, So I can see my fat behind! and think: time to hit the gym, I also have a picture of Brazil were I want to relocate eventually and I made a paystub paying me $30.000 for one month’s worth work, which brings me to my next topic.

9. Make sure your goals are achievable. I have no problem in setting long term goals, you just have to account the amount of time that you will need to achieve your goals. I would love to make $30K a month by the end of this year!! It is going to happen? No, I already set out on my mind that I will need at least 5 years to achieve that type of income, and every year I will review and adjust my timeline if needed. Realistic goals are the way to go, do not get burnt out with more than you can handle type of goals. I know I won’t make 30K a month by the end of the year, but I can strive to make 5K a month by the end of the year, is definitely more attainable. You should review your goal periodically and adjust the time frame if necessary.

8. Be specific to the T, do not set up broad goals like, I want to lose weight, be very specific, I want to lose 15 lbs by memorial day, I want to have $1500 saved in two months, strive for specific benefits and hold yourself accountable.

7. Develop a timeline, make sure you are tracking your goals on a daily basis and you have deadlines. It is also important to write it down, or type if you like but tracking your goals is very important, even if you didn’t have an awesome day towards your goal. If goals are not met on time, do not beat yourself up, but make sure to include the portion that was not met on your next timeline, cut yourself some slack, but not that much!

6. Make sure this is your goals! Do not put yourself on the back sit to achieve someone else’s goals. In the end everybody around you will benefit from you being happier, but the time to prioritize others is over Baby! It’s you time now.

5. Celebrate the milestones, really celebrate when you reach your goals. The enabler smaller goals, you want to go easy and not go crazy spending money or going out (which will be counterproductive). Pat yourself on the back and continue working towards the big cup. Once you reach your main goal, celebrate in style, take a nice vacation to that place that you always wanted to go or buy yourself something really nice that you been eyeing. This deserve celebration big style, YOU JUST ACHIEVED YOUR GOAL!!!!

4. Do not feel discourage with the challenges and bumps on the road. We all fall off the wagon from time to time….DO NOT GIVE UP, dust yourself and keep going, it was just a bump, cut your loses and get back out there like nothing ever happened. The beginning is hard and you know it, but challenge is your middle name.

3. Pop’s said write down….Yes, write down, track your goals like you would be tracking stocks, it does not have to be daily, but a weekly account of how you were doing is optimal, you can buy a nice daily tracker for $5 dollars and write away.

2. Be aware of friendly fire, usually you go to people around you like your family for support, but in some cases it works for your disadvantage. Sometimes people around you will not be able to cope with your success and they will try to sabotage your goals. Trying to discourage with negative phrases like “you tried before and it didn’t work” or asking you to go out to eat when clearly you are trying to lose weight. Politely state to that person that YOU ARE NOT F**** HELPING HERE!

1. 2 simple words that make a big difference START NOW!!!! yes, do no procrastinate a day longer, like the Nike commercial jus.. jus.. jus.. just do it!!! Do not wait for tomorrow, or do not wait for you to buy a new pair of shoes, the right moment to start is now! you can do it.

Remember achieving your goal is important to you, so stop being lazy like, time management is key, try to have a better use of your time. In my case I had to go to the extreme of cutting my cable off! why because I was watching re-runs of crap like first 48 hours, I luv NY and I love money!! are you serious? yes, now that I do not have cable, I use all my time and energy towards achieving my goals, which is way more important.


Monday, February 9, 2009

Is there still time for you to make money online?

on this post of Achieve your goals we will look a bit closer at the making money online segment, Do you think you can do it?: Does it still have room out there? What about the way we were taught?. Get a good job, or an education, or starting your own business. The reasons are simple, it doesn’t cost you a dime and with this economy out there an online business never looked so prominent, and according to various economists the internet is very resilient, not recession proof but resilient, it will cost you something tough; Time and effort.
We are all fascinate with the idea of making money while sleeping, the idea of working in our PJ’s or to work just an hour a day, just supervising our site or to post a new coment to satisfied our readers. For me making money online means having freedom, have enough time to spend with the kids or being able to manage my social life a little more, getting enough money to pay the mortgage or for once enjoy life. It amazes how many success histories we hear on the news about this kid that drop out of college and now is making millions on his own and he or she is just 20 something.
Who would not enjoy having a 6 figures income working from home. Well let me tell you something, you can definitely make a very descent income working from home, but it will take a good while. I am not trying to discourage you, just trying not to give you false expectations, so if you are really serious about making money online I do not want you nor me to give up the idea.
It’s all about setting reasonable expectations and you will thrive. There a lot of good information out there, you just need to look in the right direction. And if you work hard and set aside the energy and time, and maintaining yourself ahead of the curve when it comes to new trends and technology, is safe to say that is very possible that you will be making the type of income that will give you the liberty to focus on your MMO source of income. Should you quit your job if you are making, say $5K a month? I wouldn’t, I would not quit my job if I was making $15K a month, because if you account all the other expenses like, health insurance for you and your family, 401K and whatnot, $15k is not enough if you have a family. If you are single, it might be enough, but you want to make sure that this income is somewhat stable, a bit diversified and is not a one time hit. In other words, you need to have this income coming month after month and not oscillating to much.
There is a lot of good material out there in how to make money online. Some are very straight forward and informative, like my man Grizzly’s How to Make money online, Vic Franqui at Blogger Unleashed and Courtney Tuttle but there’s a lot of scams too, just make sure you do your search right. If you are really intrigued and motivated to make it online, then I really recommend starting with Grizzly. He has a lot of information, and if you follow his program and keep constantly trying to learn, you will succeed. Just don’t think it will happen overnight, I for one, am committed to make money online the right way, learning all I can learn, and trying to execute the right steps, like optimizing my post to right keywords and long tails and not monetize my blog before the time.
Wrapping up, it will be hard, I am not going to lie to you, I am already feeling it, sometimes you will feel overwhelmed, than is time for a break. You will need to spend countless hours in front of your computer reading and learning, trials and errors, you will need to set a block of time aside for this project, your family and kids will suffer a bit, but just visualize the results 2 years from now, you with your family enjoying the extra income, perhaps on a nice vacation! Just sort thru all the information that you come across on the net, pick the winners from the pile of garbage that is out there, do not give up on your first setbacks, be resilient, create timeframes for your goals, make sure your goals are measurable, attainable, and give enough room for those setbacks.
an example of my goals for making money online are:
Open 4 blogs on the month of February.
Make sure they have content and are well optimized.
Read all the good material out there for MMO (Specially Grizzly’s)
Choose the right niche
Get as much backlinks as possible (good or bad for now)
Do not feel bad if your blogs are not having a huge traffic, you are new at this, it takes time!



Friday, February 6, 2009

Make money online Grizzly style!

Ye s I know I am riding in someone else’s fame (Grizzly Bear’s) Make money online for beginner’s and he probably won’t appreciate a PR-0 blog linking to his hot PR4+blog, but hey just this time won’t hurt, right? Today I read a post that I could not believe, Although I just discovered Grizzly’s blog a mere week ago, when I searched Make money online. He was probably ranking 3rd, and everything that rank before him and after him was trash (with the exception of his other blogs). I could not believe what I was reading, here is a guy that is making a very decent income online, and not only is he sharing his good fortunes with the newbie’s like me but he is doing totally for free. He is sharing the love, spreading the wealth! this guy is amazing and apart from doing this he is an excellent writer with great tips in how to optimize your blog to the max. He gives you step by step on how to be successful making money online!
The guy is amazing and he is quick to point out that his techniques even works on the ugly blogger templates! if you do not believe me, go check for yourself. He is an honest man among the sea of opportunists out there, who happens to be very good at what he does, and who probably is in a very good stage of his life making tons of money and managing his blog from the end of the world….sorry griz!, I mean pretty close to the end of the world (if I was making 30 grand a month I would be working on my tan! but hey I am a tropical animal, whatever works your fancy!) THE GUY IS A LEGEND, you go to one of his money making blogs on Friday night and next thing you know is already Monday morning and you gotta haul your behind to the 9 to 5.
Am I gay? no I am just telling you this guy is the real deal. what does that have to do with my new achieve your goals blog? everything, just by reading what griz have to say I realize if you set your mind you are able to achieve your goals, then hence the idea to do my blog on goal achieving, my transformation began when I set down and read what Grizzly had to say… Am I trying to use some of his juice?…You bet I am! pretty soon the term MMO will be MMOG because Griz is the man with the plan.
Anyways, back to the matter at hand. I went to Digital Point forum the other day and found this threat started by another newbie like me, asking if Grizzly’s techniques are efficient. Anyhow, MMO critic who posted the question is a newbie like me wanted to know that, and most of the repliers are giving praising him, and one of the repliers, had this to say and I quote “I don't even know him. Why should I even bother to read his blog? I'm sure that his not as good as Johnchow or shoemoney” are u shitting me? well, what really amazes me, is not because this guy didn’t even know about Griz, but how can you compare a guy like Griz with the likes of John Chow and shoemoney? please these two, shouldn’t even be in the same sentence as Griz. John Chow is a joke and shoemakerCheck this post by him, who is a guy that proclaims that he is making $500k from his blog, and probably is (reaping people of!) , this is how he goes about teaching people what he do “Don’t try….why? because he is afraid of losing his niche, or he does want to spread the wealth, and Shoemaker is the same guy that said this about Markus Frind the Founder of plenty of fish, a dating site that is making $10 million dollars a year, mostly in Adsense ....”Give me a break , dudes, you look so stupid when you buy into his crap.” Peoples! wake up and smell the coffee, following the so called A-listers won’t take you nowhere, it will only make their bank accounts bigger! these guys are not here to help, they here to rip people off, if you want to learn the basics about making money only Griz is the man! he breaks it down for you, he is not selfish, he is making money and knows that by teaching others make money the way he does will not hurt him, why? because there is a lot of money to be made out there, and the guy is just a nice guy all around, he knows that we won’t take nothing from this life, might as well stand a hand to the next fellow.
Alright, I sucked enough already, what does this have to do with my blog, everything, If your goal is to making more money and the online world always fascinated you, listen to what I am saying, don’t grab a nice cup of coffee like Griz says, grab the whole pot and place right beside the computer….you have a lot of reading to do!

Please also read: My findings on the top money makers

Thursday, February 5, 2009

How to reach your goals unbelievably fast

How to reach your goals unbelievably fast? Well before we begin let me state that I am pretty much on the same stage as you are, I am currently overweight 212lbs on a 5'10 frame, broke...have 23 dollars to my name, have a bottom of the chain job, last time I went to church my sister was getting married, and she already divorced, so do the math, and the only really good thing that I have going on is that I am happily married with 3 kids.
So as you reach your goals following my steps I will be reaching my as well. we all know how to better ourselves, loose weight, make additional income and have a better social life, but what's really missing for and me is commitment and time management. I choose to start this personal development together with you to:

1. show it can be done
2. it can be done even in these tough times
3. for my own self-fulfillment

And folks this is realler than real deal hollyfied, if you want advise of self-proclaimed gurus there are plenty of web sites out there, you could follow their steps any time of the day and it won't work. why may you ask? because they started either at a better place than you are now or it's been so long that they achieve their goals that they cannot relate to us on a personal level. what I am about to teach you, is that no matter in what stage of your life your are currently on, you can reach your goals and leave a self fulfilling life in a reasonably short amount of time.

Reaching Your Goals

First we need to access your current situation, what are the first goals that you want to work on, what are you current priorities, what is important for you to get done first.

Goals are interconnected, that means if you start losing weight, you will start to think better, and you will be more productive at work. This way you are making good progress in 3 different key areas of you life: Weight management, Professional, and Analytical. That's why we are going to make a list of all the current goals that we have no matter how small or big, I am pretty sure that in a list of 30 goals if you change 3 or 4 things of your daily lives you will be making progress in at least 20 different goals.

Believe me why I say that not only is possible but if you take me on this challenge 3 months for now you will have made a nice dent on your New Year's resolution.

Identifying your goals, determining low-payoff activities, you should really start thinking in devoting more time to activities that will help you with the results on your end resolutions, and start cutting back on the slackness...(I know I suffer from the same problem)

Well in short the pie show all of my current goals...I know there is something missing, but you can see that I am down on the dumpster, and as I am working torwards and achieving success in activities directly related to my list, you can follow my path.

believe, It only takes some self-discipline, will power and persistence, once you start seeing results, you won't stop going.

That's it for today, I will be back soon to start a new challenge for all of us.

See you later,


Reaching your goals and keeping it for a lifetime

Welcome to time to reach your goals, Here I will discuss tips and methods in how to achieve your goals step by step, we will tackle each area of your life that needs improvement, be it financial, personal, weight loss or anything else that you can think contact me directly with questions about reaching your goal and the stage that I am at, you can reach me at